Thursday 19 September 2013

What's what all these so-called "UFO" videos on the internet lately?

Question by .: What’s what all these so-called “UFO” videos on the internet lately?

All of a sudden, there’s been a huge burst of UFO videos. This has apparently begun some time in 2011. I don’t get it. Was there some sort of new video/photo editing software released around that time, and people began to part-take in it? It must be pretty easy to use too, I’m guessing, as too many people are posting these “UFO” videos all over the internet, most notably on YouTube. There’s this one UFO that people keep coincidentally spotting all over the country, and even the world. It’s triangular, with three bright orange lights. Always during the nighttime (perhaps because the video editing software they use allows only nighttime for that particular UFO to be added in). Seems like today, any average Joe could create a fake UFO video.

Best answer:

Answer by Morning Wood
With the technology yes people can record a video and make fake UFO’s but even before the technology today, since the beginning of time UFO’s have been recorded just as you described.

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What's what all these so-called "UFO" videos on the internet lately?

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