Friday 27 September 2013

The truth behind crop circle pictures

From all the “paranormal/extraterrestrial” phenomena, crop circles are perpaphs amongst the most visually appealing. With their intricate patterns, enourmous sizes and mysterious origin, crop circles have been the source of much debate and speculation.

Personally, I feel as though crop circles are a) elaborate pranks, and b) amazing human-made works of art, AND c) a secret hobby that is comparable to graffiti in the underlying subersive attitudes.

Is there anybody out there, overlooking our crops?

Most people want to believe that crop circles are created by alien spaceships, and used as marking signs for otherworldly navigation. Supposedly, these out-of-this-world markings would be used as a means of communication between advanced civilizations. After all, who else could create such complicated designs, in such a large scale? Humans certainly would not do such a thing right? I mean, it’s not like we’ve built pyramids and skycrapers and whatnot!

On the flip side, I think that it would be just too convenient that aliens only choose to make such markings on crop circles. What would be the point of that? Would they not have the technology to imprint their navigational signs elsewhere, other than crop fields? Or would there be some kind of special meaning to the fact these aliens choose to mark these fields in particular?

Who else could create crop circles, if not aliens?

Ok, sarcasm aside, and cutting to the point: when you look closely at crop circles and try to reflect on their creation for a little bit, you soon realize they aren’t nearly as sophisticated as something that would be conceived by a civilizations capable of inter-galactic travel; likewise, they aren’t as sophisticated as something that humans couldn’t possibly do.

At this point you may be wondering…

who else would bother to come up with these huge crop circles if not for aliens? And why has no one ever been caught doing crop circles? If you’re asking such questions, you obviously aren’t up to date on the latest street art trends, where artists gather together to create huge, provocative works of art.

Is it too far-fetched to assume that’s just what crop circles are? Rural art, created by artists who have developed a taste this kind of exhibit, as well as for the secrecy and mystery surrounding it.

Do you think this is a far-fetched reasoning? Then check out this gallery with the best crop circle pictures this side of the galaxy, and then watch the documentary at the end, on “how to make crop circles”

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The truth behind crop circle pictures

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